The Hillcrest Fellow Program was set up for Seniors to help unite both our Midway and Hillcrest Campuses by having students volunteer and help teach the youth of the school. This is also used by the Seniors as their Senior Service Project. Each Senior is expected to complete a Senior Service Project which requires a minimum fifteen hours with one service and there needs to be a leadership component included.
At the beginning of the school year I was asked along with the rest of my Senior class to participate in the Hillcrest Fellows Program. When I heard about this opportunity I felt the urge to jump on this chance to help the youth of my school form into the leaders of its future.
Once the ball started rolling on this project those of us who were interested were given a list of teachers, the classes they taught and the time slots they need help in. We were told to pick three classes that would be able to fit in with our schedule, I chose PE, Art, and Math. Lucky for me, I got my first choice PE.
When Ms. Brickett, one of the PE teachers, first contacted me to let me know I would be working with her I was so excited that I contacted her immediately to set up a meeting. I began helping out with the PE classes October 7.